Ashirvad uPVC Aqualife+ Plumbing System
Ashirvad uPVC Aqualife Plumbing System
Ashirvad uPVC Aqualife Reclaim Plumbing System
Ashirvad uPVC Aqualife+ Plumbing System
Ashirvad uPVC Aqualife Plumbing System
Ashirvad uPVC Aqualife Reclaim Plumbing System
13 November 2016
Caring for local communities
The Aliaxis businesses are founded in the heart of the regions in which they operate. They care greatly about those local communities and reinvest in their future through various projects. In many of the communities, Aliaxis helps to install or improve drinking water supplies, to provide sanitation facilities, to implement infrastructure projects for collecting and storing rainwater, to drill groundwater wells, but also to build schools or implement local education programmes.
Close to its plant in Bangalore, Ashirvad is building a school to educate plumbers in the region. The school will be one of the first plumbing schools in India fully equipped with high-class labs, 18 demo toilets, sewage and water treatment plants, solar hot water systems, recirculation systems, pumps and high-pressure systems. There will be an administration area in the school and a Student Hostel Facility near the school.
The main focus of the school will be on best plumbing practices, occupational health and safety and water and energy conservation. The training includes a comprehensive syllabus covering theory and practice, but also the development of soft skills like basic English language, basic computer knowledge, etc.
The Ashirvad Plumbing School will implement two courses: an Apprentice course and a Master plumber course. The maximum capacity of the school will be 180 students per year: a course of 4 months with 3 batches of 60 students in one year.