Converter Bushing

This pipe fitting is a useful piece of plumbing material that helps in connecting UPVC fittings to CPVC pipes along an intricate plumbing system. UPVC pipes are primarily used in cold water applications, while CPVC pipes can be used in both hot & cold applications. The converter bushing performs the task of connecting pipes of varying diameters as per the requirements of the construction.

1 ¼”35.2041.563.1827.9435.10
1 ½”41.6649.183.7633.0238.20
  • - Helps in optimizing costs in residential plumbing systems.
  • - Facilitates seamless water-flow by connecting heavy & low-pressure pipes.
  • - Provides an ideal combination of UPVC & CPVC installation on a need-to-need basis.

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